Keyboard layout switching in modern Ubuntus

Dimitri John Ledkov xnox at
Tue May 2 07:47:45 UTC 2017

On 1 May 2017 at 22:40, Nrbrtx <nrbrtx at> wrote:
> Dear Ubuntu developers!
> I have just upgraded my machines from 12.04 to 14.04.
> After upgrades I discovered that there are some issues with keyboard layout
> switching.
> I have two keyboard layouts - English and Russian.
> I prefer to install GNOME FlashBack session into normal Ubuntu (Unity)
> flavor.
> I tried to set my favourite keyboard layout switching shortcut <Alt+Shift>,
> but it does not switch keyboard layouts.
> I tried both GNOME FlashBack with Metacity and Compiz sessions. My shortcut
> does not switch layouts. Even on clean minimal install.
> Of course it works on Unity, but I use it very seldom on one netbook.
> Previously I suggested to add test-suite for GNOME FlashBack sessions with
> no positive results (see bug 1604466).
> I reported new bug 1687466.
> I can't set <Ctrl+Shift> because of interference with other <Ctrl+Shift+key>
> shortcuts (see bug 1245473).
> As temporary solution I set <Super+Shift>, but it is unusual.
> My questions are:
> 1. Is it possible to use <Alt+Shift> as keyboard layout switcher in GNOME
> FlashBack sessions?
> 2. Do you plan to fix <Ctrl+Shift+key> interference?
> 3. Why we have both gnome-control-center and unity-control-center on simple
> system with GNOME FlashBack?
> 4. What is the future of unity-control-center?

Standard keyboard layout switching combination has been Super +
Spacebar for a few years now.
This is consistent on the cross-OS basis, including Mac OS X and
Mircosoft Windows I believe.



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