Troy Heber
troyh at
Mon May 1 15:15:11 UTC 2017
On 04/29/17 19:35, Ketil Malde wrote:
> > I'm still waiting for my big run to complete, but I have a smaller test
> Unfortunately, the new executable appears to fail for the same data that
> the old one did. So if there is indeed a subtle bug hidden in libjudy,
> it doesn't seem to be affected by these options.
I'm not sure that I would jump directly to the bug being in Judy. Judy
is a VERY mature library that has been widely deployed for over two
decades. As you noted there were reports of compiler optimizations
leading to some crashes but a root cause was never identified for
those specific reports. Unfortunately, being a library means that there
is always additional third party code involved which makes debugging
quite challenging.
The best suggestion that I can offer at this point is to have you post
directly to the upstream Judy mailing list for additional assistance.
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