Fw: Adding a kernel removal script to linux-base or elsewhere

Jarno Suni j_suni at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Jan 13 17:29:35 UTC 2017

> On Friday, January 13, 2017 5:55 PM, Jarno Suni <j_suni at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> >>  On Friday, October 14, 2016 2:13 AM, Alberto Salvia Novella 
> <es20490446e at gmail.com> wrote:
>>  Well, better to fix a thousand computers for the same effort than 
>>  servicing yours alone.
> If you get money for fixing each computer individually, i.e. supporting each 
> client individually, it might be a better deal for you not to provide a fix that 
> services them all publicly.
>>  In the end of the day I need the fix for myself. Why not sharing it 
>>  then, so it becomes available in any computer from now on?
> Everybody gets fixes that are publicly available, but only contributors pay by 
> their work. It is not supportive that the more you contribute, the poorer you 
> get.
>>  That said I believe that, in general, one shall only work in what gives 
>>  good money. Because if it's that valuable to somebody, they will be 
>>  willing to pay for it.
>>  Just this case is an exception. As the diversity of contributions makes 
>>  it difficult to monetize, it's a byproduct of fixing yourself, and you 
>>  get already a different kind of value: the most powerful computing it 
>>  can be.
> Maybe an association, that had many members, could direct funding to wanted 
> Ubuntu software projects to make Ubuntu and/or its variations greater. The 
> amount of money requested from each member would not be big.

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