Make systemd journal persistent | remove rsyslog (by default)

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Wed Jan 11 07:29:19 UTC 2017

Jamie Strandboge [2017-01-10 16:27 -0600]:
> Remote logging. Rsyslog is far superior in this regard. Granted, remote logging
> is not enabled by default but it is a requirement in many environments.

The systemd-journal-remote package does provide the necessary tools and is
reasonably flexible (push or pull, builtin https or using arbitrary ports which
you e. g.  could forward through ssh). It might not be as flexible as rsyslog,
but as one needs to set up remote logging manually anyway, you always have the
possibility of picking rsyslog, journal, or even something else.

Martin Pitt                        |
Ubuntu Developer (  | Debian Developer  (
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