Adding a kernel removal script to linux-base or elsewhere

Jarno Suni j_suni at
Fri Jan 6 19:17:38 UTC 2017

> On Saturday, October 15, 2016 4:37 PM, Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mardorf at> wrote:
> I only wanted to point out that already with minimal knowledge about
> writing shell scripts, it is possible to write a script, that fits to
> individual user needs. If a novice only wants to clean /boot, there are
> tons of scripts available, it requires not much time to get the links,
> when using a much used search engine. DKMS hooks could be tricky,
> they need to run before the kernel gets removed, or the DKMS dir and
> lib/modules need to be cleaned by rm, after the kernel was removed.

And how does one know, if the script works? I have analyzed many of proposed scripts and have noticed problems in them. Maybe they work for you, if you are lucky. They might e.g. purge more than you expect.

I have never removed lib/modules by rm, but I seem to have only folders for the kernels that I have left installed there in the folder anyway, so I do not see the problem. Are you sure apt/dpkg do not handle the DKMS hooks? 

> Neither do I know the byobu script, nor yours.

The latter is publicly available
It also has open bugs.

> The problem with your script seems to be, that you expect donations.
> Some FLOSS Linux developers follow this concept, too, it works for
> them, if they provide amazing software, that otherwise only could be
> provided by companies of proprietary software, due to the required time
> and manpower. Unlikely that a script to purge kernels is that important.
> If a user should run into issues when using one of the already free as
> in beer provided scripts, she could send a request to the users mailing
> list or any other forum and would get help in fixing the script.

Yes, that is how many Ubuntu users spend their time. Hanging on support channels due to broken software. I have done that myself, too.

> If you want to make money from FLOSS, you should offer something for
> free as in beer, too. Assuming it should be amazing software, users of
> the software are likely interested in donating. Some developers of
> amazing software don't want donations, even while many users are
> willing to donate. Some companies provide closed source software, that
> does run on a FLOSS operating system.

I have delivered "free beer" e.g. in

Or I have a significantly better version still unpublished.) 
> In short, it's possible to make money. Regarding a script for
> maintenance, you more likely could earn money by teaching.

Oh, like how?

> In my experience community colleges and something like this, are more
> visited by users of proprietary operating systems, for other computer
> systems, there are usually non-profit clubs and for Linux non-profit
> LUGs.

What community colleges? What are you trying to tell? That some kind of association or school would fund my work?

> Good luck!


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