On Lists and Iterables

Xen list at xenhideout.nl
Fri Dec 15 10:40:14 UTC 2017

I am just posting this so I don't have to save the text.

2.7: type(zip(["a","b"], ["c","d"]))
      <type 'list'>

3  : type(zip(["a","b"], ["c","d"]))
      <class 'zip'>

3  : zip(["a","b"], ["c","d"])
      <zip object at 0x7f684fd71708>

2.7: zip(["a","b"], ["c","d"])
      [('a', 'c'), ('b', 'd')]

3  : list(zip(["a","b"], ["c","d"]))
      [('a', 'c'), ('b', 'd')]

I don't even know what Iterables are.

I just know that I can't print them directly.

Python is supposed to be a beginner-friendly language.

But this is incomprehensible.

Zipping by definition produces a list of tuples, I mean zipping a list 
by definition creates a list of tuples, not a "zip" object.

The whole semantic definition of "zip" is to take 2 (or more) lists, 
then create tuples out of every matched list element, and return those 
as a new list.

Not to be left in some intermediate stage which is somehow more 
efficient to the interpreter or something.

That would be like calling Set.difference and then getting a Difference 
object instead of a Set.

Just an example of a user-unfriendly change.

I already know someone is going to say "No it's not." and then leave it 
at that.

About the above.


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