Set environment variable globally

J Fernyhough j.fernyhough at
Thu Apr 6 17:42:05 UTC 2017

On 06/04/17 16:36, Andrew Martin wrote:
> It seems like that would have some performance impact. Setting TZ in the
> /etc/environment file doesn't appear to be used by upstart or systemd, and
> therefore apache2 doesn't use it either. How can I make it be used for services
> started by either init system?

Not sure about upstart, but systemd should be straightforward enough.
You can add environment variables through editing the unit file
directly, or possibly better by:

1) Adding a conf file, e.g. in


2) globally for all units in /etc/systemd/system.conf, or e.g.


You'll need to do a daemon-reload and a service restart to pick up the
changes, but it should be there. Terrible, hacky, one-liner to check:

for p in $(pgrep -d" " apache2); do echo -e "$p:\n$(cat
/proc/$p/environ)\n"; done


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