LibreOffice Install and Use Problems
list at
Wed Sep 28 11:00:46 UTC 2016
Oliver Grawert schreef op 28-09-2016 11:38:
> whatever results from this is definitely not supportable on an ubuntu
> list ... mint isnt a flavour like {x,k,l,ed}ubuntu{-mate} where distro
> changes are collaboratively made in the archive and used by everyone
> with the same results, there are modifications in mint nobody but the
> mint team knows about.
> this is similar to mixing pure debian binary packages without re-
> building against the libs with ubuntu, the result is a matter of luck
> and nobody at debian would be able support this either if you came to a
> debian list asking about the probs you have with such a setup.
> it is fine if a mint user can actually track down the issue to an
> ubuntu error to then file a bug in launchpad, no doubt. but first you
> have to make sure the downstream changes have not caused the issue and
> this is beyond the scope of this list.
Sure but I can definitely attest that my random 32-bit Linux Mint Sarah
system has no problems whatsoever with LibreOffice.
So it just seems prudent to direct this as a user-support question
(destined for Mint) and not necessarily as a call to never report
anything against Ubuntu; but it simply isn't a package problem as far as
I can tell (or anyone could tell from this, probably) at least not
against this package of LibreoOffice (or any of the kind) and I am
running the same version as this user and have offered my help, although
I don't know about 32-64 bit but it should never be an issue in a
package that is generated without regard of the bit-width in that sense.
I simply think the likelyhood of there actually being a problem with the
Ubuntu package in a Mint system is going to be *very* slim and if it
existed, more people would experience it, as you have indicated on
Ubuntu's side.
So it just seems more prudent to 'misdirect' this support request on the
grounds of it not being fit for a bug report against a package (ie. it
is just a user support request and should be treated as such first
before treated as a bug against anything) and not on the grounds that it
is against the wrong distribution; as a user support request it needs to
go to Linux Mint, but if it actually /were/ a package issue (no matter
how slim) it would not be that much of a problem to report it against
Ubuntu. Or Ubuntu-devel-discuss, I mean. It's just that this user is
wrong, probably, about the nature of the issue -- sorry to offend
I'm just saying you should send him away because it cannot be a package
problem and not because it is against the wrong flavour of the species
And to find out you would first require regular Mint support, you are
right about that, it is just not all "that" far out to come to the idea
that "hey, it's an ubuntu package, let's report it to ubuntu" (Ubuntu)
-- that's not a crazed idea, it's just hard to tell where the issue is
for a regular person.
Sorry for the length, I guess we are saying the same thing at this
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