LibreOffice Install and Use Problems
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Tue Sep 27 20:29:18 UTC 2016
Oliver Grawert schreef op 27-09-2016 18:35:
> hi,
> Am Dienstag, den 27.09.2016, 08:51 -0700 schrieb paulwheeler at
>> Package info: Version: 1:5.1.4-0ubuntu1 (xenial-updates)
>> Unless I am mistaken, you are the package maintainers, so it does not
>> matter what Linux system it is installed on, it should work, right?
> yes, these are ubuntu packages, developed and tested against a specific
> ubuntu release, against ubuntu libraries and ubuntu installations ...
> they do not get tested against mint installs, modified mint libraries
> or mint desktops ... you should talk to the mint maintainers why an
> ubuntu package does not work on your mint install.
> your assumption that it does not matter which linux sytem a binary that
> was built against a specific set of dependencies of a specific distro
> runs on is wrong. it matters a lot, especially if you use a package
> with a lot of dependencies like libreoffice.
> try asking the mint guys. in case you or they can track your breakage
> down to a specific ubuntu related issue, feel free to file an ubuntu
> bug on launchpad ...
I must say I consider it unlikely that a great number of Mint users
would have the issue also.
I have never witnessed any such issue on Mint with any package, but I
have not used it that long.
However the error seems to indicate (or would remind one of) having run
a software package /while being root/ using sudo instead of gksudo or
whatever the equivalent is these days. This would typically overwrite
user home files with root-owned equivalents and I think we are all
familiar with that.
I furthermore doubt it is even possible, even remotely possible, that it
would be a problem with the libreoffice packages. But Mint is so similar
that it is also unlikely that the package itself would cause problems.
They are just not that different I think.
However, who knows. If you cannot report it on the Linux Mint forums,
I'm not sure there is a way to get help. Regards.
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