My opinion on Ubuntu cancelling Intel 80386/80386-clone processor support

Simos Xenitellis simos.lists at
Mon Sep 12 18:49:45 UTC 2016

On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 8:54 PM, Thierry Andriamirado
<thierry.andriamirado at> wrote:
> Le 11 septembre 2016 21:43:03 UTC+03:00, Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mardorf at> a écrit :
>>That's entirely true. For users who don't need the user-friendliness
>>provided by Ubuntu there are anyway better distros available to "tune"
>>weak computers more easily. Anyway, for doing this much knowledge is
>>required. The user-friendliness of Ubuntu has got several weak points,
> I thought Ubuntu was a good Linux distro and I was happy that "everybody" could use it (desktop, education..)
> But if I understand what is happening, do we have to stop pushing Ubuntu to users owning old hardwares, and go back to Debian as in the good old day? 5 years remaining until 2021, and we always hope to use newly acquired equipment over 5 years.

I did not see a link to a definite discussion that 686 ("i386") will
not be supported any more in future versions.
Once it becomes official, I would consider to start worrying.
For now, there is guaranteed support up to the next five years and it
would be premature to act.


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