My opinion on Ubuntu cancelling Intel 80386/80386-clone processor support

Simos Xenitellis simos.lists at
Fri Sep 9 01:00:12 UTC 2016

On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 6:10 PM, Thierry Andriamirado
<thierry.andriamirado at> wrote:
> Le 8 septembre 2016 01:35:05 UTC+03:00, John Moser <john.r.moser at> a écrit :
>>> There are countless very old computers running Ubuntu, in Developing
>>> Countries.
>>It's not my fault nobody counted.
> It's nobody's fault: many of those Ubuntu boxes are used in villages in the bush, and are not even connected to the Internet. Updated from time to time via CD-Rom..

As far as I know, many of the second-hand old PCs that make it to the
developing world, are old computers from companies and universities in
A proper disposal in the EU costs money, so they donate them to
intermediaries (so no cost for the companies) that send them to
developing countries.
Those that receive them, end up paying quite some money (50-100€?),
which is good profit to the intermediaries.

Considering that at least until 2021 we will be fine regarding 32-bit support,
I think it would be good to gradually get people to switch to
small-board computers.
These are nowdays quite cheap, and you can get a quad-core SBC with
2GB RAM for under 30€.


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