User Interface Congruence

Jason Benjamin hexusnexus at
Sat Sep 3 17:31:24 UTC 2016

After testing Ubuntu Xenial Xerus, I'd wanted to check out how Gtk 3 
interfaces blend with the other desktop libraries in the software 
repositories.  I was very let down.

Gtk 2 interfaces still use overlay scrollbars which noticeably clash 
with the Gtk 3 applications.  LibreOffice draws with Swing using a Gtk 2 
style, which looks bad too.  This can be changed to Gtk 3 using 
Synaptic, but the some of the icon controls are obscured by the dark 
color of the default theme.  Eclipse, which is written in SWT, uses Gtk 
2 also, even though it's been Gtk 3 capable for a good amount of time.  
WxWidgets is compiled for Gtk 2, even though it can be compiled for Gtk 
3 support.

Qt whatever the version is, is not themed like the Gtk interfaces at all.

The operating system I'm using right now is Kubuntu, and this kind of 
incongruence is virtually unnoticeable.

[The Computer] was the first machine man built that
assisted the power of his brain instead of the strength
of his arm. - Grace Murray Hopper

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