Future and impact of ongoing projects in Linux world

Colin Law clanlaw at gmail.com
Sun Oct 9 07:28:31 UTC 2016

On 8 October 2016 at 23:58, Xen <list at xenhideout.nl> wrote:
> Colin Law schreef op 08-10-2016 18:29:
>> On 8 October 2016 at 17:21, Xen <list at xenhideout.nl> wrote:
>>> Ralf Mardorf schreef op 06-10-2016 12:42:
>>>> Just a very laste note.
>>>> On Wed, 2016-10-05 at 22:29 +0200, Xen wrote:
>>>>> >> In Windows
>>>>> Yes you conveniently break off my statement but (I had to look for it)
>>>>> it was about something that has *nothing* to do with security as it
>>>>> dealth with network shares.
>>>> Yes, you mentioned Windows allows to do this and that, but Linux
>>>> doesn't, so I pointed out, that Windows is insecure and Linux isn't. I
>>>> assume causality. There are reasons that Linux does work different to
>>>> Windows.
>>> And so whenever Linux can't do something, it is for security? Don't make
>>> me
>>> laugh.
>> I think there is a difference between *can't* meaning is not able to
>> and *won't allow* meaning there is something specifically stopping
>> that from happening.  The *won't allow* features are generally for
>> security reasons.
> A root user also cannot do the things just mentioned.
> The required software does not exist, for the most part.
> There are also no security considerations whatsoever pertaining to the local
> system regarding the mounting of remote network shares on a user supplied
> home directory or equivalent. It is utter bull. You can make such
> generalized statements all you want but I hear nothing that actually
> addresses the topic.

I was not commenting on any particular topic, merely pointing out that
that Ralf (I think) said there are some things that Linux "does not
allow" and you answered this with a post referring to things that
Linux "can't" do and the two things are not the same. I also stated
that things that Linux will not allow are generally security related.

Is any of that untrue?


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