Future and impact of ongoing projects in Linux world

Xen list at xenhideout.nl
Sat Oct 8 16:21:40 UTC 2016

Ralf Mardorf schreef op 06-10-2016 12:42:
> Just a very laste note.
> On Wed, 2016-10-05 at 22:29 +0200, Xen wrote:
>> >> In Windows
>> Yes you conveniently break off my statement but (I had to look for it)
>> it was about something that has *nothing* to do with security as it
>> dealth with network shares.
> Yes, you mentioned Windows allows to do this and that, but Linux
> doesn't, so I pointed out, that Windows is insecure and Linux isn't. I
> assume causality. There are reasons that Linux does work different to
> Windows.

And so whenever Linux can't do something, it is for security? Don't make 
me laugh.

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