Add Africa-Togo Keyboard Layout in the Linux Distribution

Daniel Llewellyn daniel at
Tue May 24 00:49:24 UTC 2016


On May 24 2016, at 1:16 am, Mats Blakstad <mats.gbproject at>

> I tried to add it now, however, after i add the PPA and update then I simply
get this:  
_W: The repository '<>
xenial Release' does not have a Release file._  


You need to follow the directions on the launchpad site, namely:


`sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gunnarhj/togo-kblayout`


The warning you received indicates that you are trying to access the "Release"
repository of the "xenial" distribution of the url indicated. This is twice a
problem as the ppa only has yakety available, and even then the repository is
named "main" and NOT "Release".

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