Feature Request

Michael Hall mhall119 at ubuntu.com
Thu Mar 24 20:48:05 UTC 2016

Hi Jaden,

I'm glad you've got an interest in improving the user experience of
Unity. We have some instructions written up to help people get started
contributing designs, you can read them here:

I would also encourage you to join the #ubuntu-unity IRC channel on
freenode and discuss your ideas with the developers, who can give you
insights into what implementation considerations you will need to think
about in putting together you final design.

Michael Hall
mhall119 at ubuntu.com

On 03/24/2016 11:22 AM, Jaden Peterson wrote:
> Hello, I have a request for a feature in Unity. Could you make an option
> in the dconf to have a separate bar for the menus under the window
> decorations. Personally, I like the already existent functionality of
> hovering over the window decorations, revealing the menu. However, for
> desktops or devices with large displays, it would be nice to use that
> space and have the menu's more accessible.

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