Xeniel Xerus installer issue

Marc Deslauriers marc.deslauriers at canonical.com
Wed Mar 23 20:33:21 UTC 2016

On 2016-03-23 03:37 PM, Dale Amon wrote:
> Yesterday when I was doing some system testing, I did
> a fresh install of Beta 1 over top of the previous
> disk partititions, told it to wipe and reuse, and
> it came up with a panel saying it could not create
> partition 5 swap space. The panel could not be 
> dismissed and I could not continue or go back.
> Later in the day, after testing several other 
> dists, I came back to it and did a manual partition
> set up instead. The installer worked fine doing
> it that way.
> Just a heads up in case no one has seen this
> behavior before...

I hit that too, and opened the following bug:



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