xen-system-amd64 missing ioemu-stubdom.gz

Éliás Tamás et at etit.hu
Mon Mar 21 14:33:44 UTC 2016

Hi all.

Trying to set up a XEN stubdom HVM guest in ubuntu 16.04, I realised
that the ioemu-stubdom.gz file is missing from the xen package, making
it impossible to use XEN stubdom HVMs out of the box.

May I request an update for the above package? I have installed several
16.04 LTS server versions both used for virtualization, these systems
are planned to go into production soon, as soon as the LTS will be

Before I go into compiling my own version, I would be happier to keep a
clear way for updating the systems.

Is it possible to request an update from you into the ubuntu system?

Thank you.


Éliás Tamás
Thomas Elias

ETIT[nwpro] KFT, Ügyvezető-Hálózatbiztonsági specialista
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