the right to make a difference
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Thu Jun 2 12:35:56 UTC 2016
Sam Bull schreef op 02-06-2016 13:36:
> On Thu, 2016-06-02 at 12:31 +0200, Xen wrote:
>> > So I think the unfairness is very much there now. Spengler is now
>> > actually getting something for nothing, where before he was not,
>> > and
>> > the whole intention of many of the contributors to linux has been
>> > subverted.
>> Untrue. There was no before. Linux was already available to him. It
>> was given away for free.
Thank you for your response. It is very meaningful to me.
> You seem to repeatedly suggest that nothing is owed to the kernel
> developers and that it was given away with no requirements. But, the
> kernel is not simply given away, it is distributed under the GPL, and
> as already mentioned the intention of the GPL is that changes to the
> project by other developers are shared under the same conditions, so
> that the changes might be incorporated back into the original project
> or used by others. If somebody does not want to agree to these terms,
> then they are welcome to find an alternative (e.g. Apple used the BSD
> kernel).
The intention of the GPL is not really relevant.
What happens is that the authors remain to have a say about how the
product is used, if copyright is at play (at least the idea of
I don't think you can really embed a form of monetary compensation
within a copyright license itself.
Normally when you sell something, it has license terms, but the terms
themselves do not describe the contract; hence a license alone cannot
constitute a contract for monetary exchange, or anything else.
Explicitly, the terms do not state that the intent is for the original
author to have copyright on your work and if they did the thing would
probably be deemed illegal by all courts.
This is because a derivative work can in itself be copyrighted (at least
the work you have done yourself, which must be a substantial work) and
so a free transference of copyright to another party would never work.
Now in actual effect that is what would happen. The person doing the
work would see his livelihood taken away by "thieves" and his added
value would cease to be any added value; as such the whole idea and
reason for copyright would cease to exist; it is contradictory in terms.
So what I am saying is that what the new author owns the original
author, is that if the original author's interests are threatened, that
person can have a say in it.
Now the question becomes what those interests are. GPL is really
irrelevant in that sense. If you can make a case that those interests
imply the free access to and integration of any additional work done by
other parties free of charge, then you may have a point.
Then, when that point is made, the GPL agrees with that. If that point
can never pass, then the GPL can never be legal.
But you MUST explicitly mention and make available the idea that this
contract forms a valid basis for interaction, and is a valid way to
"take back" seeing as that your structural component (the kernel)
already exists everywhere, and that module (it is not a module) (I
think) it almost like a car on a road. Does the owner of the road also
own the car?
So if the original authors really have an actual interest that can be
recognised, then yes. But this interest must first be stipulated for the
terms themselves to have any merit. In pretty much every copyright case
I have seen (not many now) the courts decided based on real interests,
not simply license terms.
There would be two points:
1. derivative work
2. fair use.
> Saying that nothing is owed and that there is no agreement, would
> suggest that after buying a proprietary piece of software, I can now
> modify it and resell it to other people, despite this being against the
> intention of the author.
Nothing monetary is owed, and therefore not any amount of work either.
After all, in any such agreement, it would not depend on whether the
work was actually done, you cannot in advance claim possession of all
work done by anyone.
Even if you wanted it to have some merit, you would still need to
stipulate any exact or moderately exact agreed upon exchange in advance.
The taking of all work for all eternity is simply a form of hostage
taking. That is like saying you sign a license deal with a record
company, but the license states that you can never go to another company
ever after; you are bound to it for all eternity.
So what is saying you should have access to the work? Well everyone has,
doesn't it?
Some implicit agreement that is in itself rather questionable to pretty
much everyone, especially if you characterize it like this (which is the
truth, really) is not going to be very strong if and when the product is
being mass distributed free of charge, any sense of exclusivity is
non-existent, and if you are only using it not to maintain copyright, or
to maintain copyright on the premise of wanting to control your real
immediate interests (such as those mentioned before) but only to acquire
free work from others?????
Is not what copyright is meant for.
You can of course make distinctions between non-commercial and
commercial use. That would imply an ongoing agreement and settlement and
business practice of entering into real contracts with commercial
That would also imply that your product is a rather exclusive thing, and
cannot be used as, or substituted for, a presently omnipresently
available core system component that everyone needs to use, or be
without entirely. It is not an optional component here.
So no, you cannot modify it and resell it, because that would hinder the
market for the original product. This is an extension, not a
replacement, and that is a crucial distinction.
> The main question appears to be about a legal loophole, in whether the
> work is considered a derivative when it can be distributed as a
> separate patch. I don't know what these patches are, but I imagine if
> they are mostly a set of self-contained files (like a module) it would
> not be considered a derivative, whereas if it involves significant
> changes to the kernel, then it would be considered a derivative, and
> the GPL should be enforced.
Technical terms do not imply everything. I don't think they are modules,
too much needs to be changed for anything to really change the core
functioning. You could do it with a module, but you would have to
replace a lot of system calls, and I don't know or think it would be
feasible really. Moreover modules can be unloaded and I don't know what.
I just don't think "the GPL should be enforced" follows from what you
say. That should or would only follow if you consider the GPL holy in
any sense. In actual copyright law, the /more/ changes something has,
the /more/ it is an original work, or substantial work, and the more
substantial your changes, you have more access to a copyright of your
own. And the more value it adds, the less it will be seen just as a
copy, or modification. It will be seen as an addition.
The technical terms actually do not matter so much.
Then when it is an addition, the question of derivate work comes into
play, but this license is not going to get judged on its sole behest.
There will be a comparison and a weighing of interests because fair use
is also an important component.
Maybe if these aspects are judged in isolation.... according to the
letter of the law.... you could win this. But the entire picture needs
to be taken into account, I think. And, the question of commercial
impedance will come into play, and you will fail on that.
The patch does not hinder the kernel developers. Their business does not
suffer because of it. If their business is only defined as a return on
investment by taking hostage every other maintainer or developer who now
wants to build something on a system that has already become omnipresent
and pretty much "public domain or at least common infrastructure" (which
is almost the same) -- an unavoidable, essential part of life -- (and
the name of the kernel is synonymous with the operating system; suppose
you were to replace the kernel with something that is binary compatible;
what then? Are you still going to call it Linux?) -- if that is your
definition of business, that you create a monopoly for yourself, make
yourself into an indispensable platform, and then monopolize this by
claiming the work of everyone and everyone on this platform....
Then you are doing exactly what Microsoft has done, and you will be
flagged for it.
> Another question, nobody has asked: It sounds to me, like the developer
> is possibly accepting that the patches they are selling are licensed
> under the GPL, but saying that if they use their rights to redistribute
> them, they will not continue to sell them updates.
> So, if you consider the developer is allowing anybody to exercise their
> rights for the piece of software they have received and that the
> developer can choose not to sell a new version of software for any
> reason; is the threat enough to break the conditions of the GPL?
The original poster he considers it "tort". I think tort is a very broad
term, I am not accustomed to English legal terms yet.
Maybe you can consider it devious, but it is only so with respects to
something else that might prompt anyone to take such measures.
I think redistributionary rights for a 2nd-degree licensee that wants to
distribute the full product and not just personal modifications, is just
a very weak argument.
That licensee can distribute the original product, and the original
authors thereof can also still do it and probably maintain a sense of
monopoly on that.
That licensee can probably distribute individual patches just fine of
the new product (a patch of the patch, as it were) and if not, I would
have a problem with that, but scarcely anyone would have an interest in
doing so now.
So the only thing that licensee cannot do is give the product to someone
else, which is what copyright was designed to prevent.
So you think you have a strong moral case, I don't know.
Does it breach the GPL? Maybe not but it is a conflict of interests. The
GPL states that in any conflict of interests, the license is void. But
that is what the GPL says.
In that sense, it does breach the GPL (but it is not very hard to do
The GPL does not state anything explicitly about future versions, I
It also does not compel anyone to distribute to anyone.
But it is a form of interference, for sure.
The author is basically saying "my product is no longer GPL. It has the
added condition that you cannot redistribute my product". Simply because
apparently the product itself is part of a support contract.
Again, again, again, complications.
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