Feature suggestion - install packages as noon root using apt-get

Xen list at xenhideout.nl
Sun Apr 24 19:58:39 UTC 2016

Ralf Mardorf schreef op 24-04-2016 8:34:

> It's not that simple. You can not just provide a --non-root option for
> apt-get and dpkg, that simply redirect installing to $HOME/bin,
> $HOME/lib etc., since a lot of packages require the root privileges to
> add system wide variables, change security settings etc., some content
> of packages anyway needs to be recognised pathwise by ldconfig or is
> related to the init process. What you recommend is to maintain a
> repository for non-root user installs. Let alone that apt-get isn't an
> Ubuntu tool, IOW you anyway need to send such a feature request to the
> upstream tracker.

That is something that in Dutch we call "van het kastje naar de muur" 

(From the cupboard to the wall).


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