Can we include HWE in the release version?

Bryan Quigley bryan.quigley at
Wed Apr 6 22:12:09 UTC 2016

> I am not sure what problem you are trying to fix.

I want the version of Ubuntu to actually mean what version of
essential software I should expect.

I want "14.04.4 LTS" to mean the exact same thing on the download page
as it does in /etc/lsb-release.

> First of all point releases are only installation media, and not the
> packages archive.

But we do bump the version string in the package archive.

> We do provide installation media for past point releases, each one
> with different HWE packs on them. These are all available for download
> and installation from.
> In general, we do not move people to next HWE stack, it's a manual
> action until upgrade to next LTS. And from packages archive point of
> view, they are all supported and available from the
> We do not provide snapshot archives for point releases, thus it is
> simply a matter off "did you dist-upgrade to everything that's
> available in -security & -updates", regardless of the HWE stack one is
> running.
> All stacks are supported, and in theory, from any stack one should be
> able to dist-upgrade to the next LTS and get the new stock kernel. I
> do not believe we roll people from one HWE to the next within an LTS
> release, so it is simply a mater of which installation media was used,
> and/or which HWE packs one chose to install afterwords.
> For trusty, the intermediate hwe stacks will go out of support, after
> 16.04.1 is released and thus LTS -> LTS upgrades enabled, and the
> expectation there is for people to upgrade to 16.04.1, and most people
> will / do.
> --
> Regards,
> Dimitri.

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