
Greg Chapman gregchapmanuk at
Tue Apr 5 13:13:02 UTC 2016

I'm running Version 9872-1 of sgt-puzzles.

I made this report to the author and he responded:

2. Empty Help Windows Proliferate but help appears in one's browser.

I find that when I click on either the "Contents" or "Help on game" 
options under the help Menu, the Mint help window opens with no content 
while the help file itself loads into my web browser. Every time you 
click on a help option a further empty help window is launched.

That isn't my doing at all - the help system on the Linux side is added 
downstream by (I think) the Debian package maintainer. It isn't in my 
version of the code at all. So you'll have to report it there.

I'm very new to Linux and am running Mint 17.3 (Mate) and found a link 
here in my package manager so hope this is the right place to report the 


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