systemd-nspawn and /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at
Sun Sep 20 17:11:42 UTC 2015


by default Wily's /etc/resolv.conf is a link against  
../run/resolvconf/resolv.conf. If you want to maintain Wily from another  
install in a systemd-nspawn container, the link needs to be replaced by a  
file /etc/resolv.conf. Since Wily is based on systemd by itself, it IMO  
should care about systemd-nspawn compatibility and by default not link  
against /run.

Assumed nobody should be aware about a reason that a link is a better  
solution, I would report it as a bug.

Do I miss an advantage of this link?


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