Feature request for gnome-disk-utility

PJ Singh pjsingh5000 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 19 23:10:07 UTC 2015

I think the gnome-disk-utility gui should clearly show the Name of a 
partition, if it has been set (using gdisk, or other utility).

Currently, the  gui does not display the Name of a GPT partition in the 
details section (where Size, Device, Partition Type, and Contents are 
shown).  I suggest adding the name as the first field in the list, above 

The visual at the top, showing the relative sizes of the partitions, 
does include the partition name, but it is not visible for smaller 
partitions, because it is on the same line as the Partition # label.  I 
suggest displaying the name (if set) on it's own line, above Partition 
#.  Alternative, the name might be displayed as a heading, at the very 
top of each partition "silo", with a vertical gap, before "Filesystem", 
"Swap", etc. are shown.

Please see the attached screen shot.  Only the name of the sixth 
partition (called "Data") is visible, because that partition is 
large/wide enough for all of the text to fit.

1) Usually, a partition Name, if it has been set, is something very 
relevant to the user, allowing him/her quickly identify a partition and 
its purpose at a glance, without having to mentally parse through the 
other technical information displayed.
2) There is enough vertical space in the gui to support both suggestions 
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