Go 1.3 is unmaintained/unsupported upstream

Diego Germán Gonzalez diegogermangonzalez at gmail.com
Fri Feb 13 17:26:26 UTC 2015

El 13/02/15 a las 13:26, John Lenton escibió:
> Go 1.3.3, which we are shipping in Vivid, is unmaintained upstream¹
> (yes, despite being released less than six months ago).
> Would it be possible to move to 1.4 in vivid? This wouldn't fix the
> fact that it will become unmaintained in Vivid's timeframe, but at
> least we can get the bugs we find during development fixed upstream.
> 1. https://github.com/golang/go/issues/9866#event-235479734

Sorry John, I did not pay attention
, I thought you were a user

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