How shall I report a bug in the .deb packaging itself?
Luis Felipe Tabera Alonso
luisfelipe.tabera at
Mon Dec 21 15:46:56 UTC 2015
On lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2015 16:10:31 (CET) Alberto Salvia Novella wrote:
> Julian Andres Klode:
> > If A suggests B, and you install B in some way, you may have come to
> > rely on the fact that A is extended by B on your system.
> > Automatically removing B could thus cause an unexpected loss of
> > functionality.
> The point I do not understand is why after removing A, being A the only
> that recommends B from all the packages installed by the user, B is
> still considered needed.
Just a note, if you want to know why the system insists on havin a specific
package installed, you can try the command
aptitude why $packagename
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