Cacti Update

Robie Basak robie.basak at
Fri Dec 18 12:43:32 UTC 2015

On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 08:08:44PM +0000, J Fernyhough wrote:
> Taking an educated guess and trying to answer the real question, given
> Cacti had a security update very recently: the Cacti package in Ubuntu
> is in 'universe' [1]. This means Ubuntu won't necessarily provide
> updates, even for security issues, especially for older releases (even LTS).

Thank you, this is accurate. However please note that contributions for
security updates in universe are gratefully accepted[1]. If you can prepare
one, the Ubuntu Security Team will be happy to review and upload it.
Indeed this is how the update for cacti in Trusty got there: it was
kindly contributed by Paul Gevers:

It might be worth checking if his update in July already has the fixes
you want.

Otherwise please see and ask in
#ubuntu-hardened on Freenode IRC if you have any questions about the
process, and use a bug against cacti to coordinate with any others
working on the same issue.


[1] In fact any work, not just security updates.
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