Compiz has hundreds of critical bugs in Unity (& other desktop session with compiz) on Utopic & not usable for everyday use

Khurshid Alam khurshid.alam at
Fri Oct 31 18:47:42 UTC 2014


On Utopic (after fresh install & updates) I am experiencing tons of bugs in
Unity & almost nothing really works. The real issue is that, these bugs
affects taking screenshot & desktop video recording which is preventing me
to report any new bugs.

I. 'Show Desktop' on launcher crashes compiz for any Gtk-Headerbar app when
using any third party Gtk(3.12) theme.

How to reproduce on Utopic:

1. sudo apt-get install Numix
2. sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool
3. change Gtk theme to Numix
4. Open any app with Gtk-Headerbar (& NOT directly patched by Ubuntu) like
gnome-tweak-tool, gnome-system-log
2. enable show-desktop on unity launcher
3. Click on show-desktop first time. it will show desktop.
4. Click on it again, it crashes compiz & sometimes does not recover from
it. Users have to fallback to TTY & force restart lightdm.

Compiz on other desktop shell/session works relatively well. For example in
Gnome-Flashback-Compiz session this issue doesn't happen.

Filed a bug here:

II. Any desktop recording tool doesn't work with compiz. I tried with
gtk-recordmydesktop & kazaam.


1. Unity elements are not visible in the video like dash & sometime right
click menu.

2. Sometime the windows (any) are not visible & appears transparent.

3. It failed to capture any default compiz effect like scale (Super+w)

4. Sometime after completing recording it saves the previously recorded
video! (until I run "compiz --replace").

For example, in this video (, I opened dash,
searched for terminal & opened it. But in the video nothing is visible.

However, recording works very well in *NON-Compiz* session, i.e.
gnome-flashback (metacity).

III. Screenshot tool (gnome-screenshot)  fails to capture screenshot after
certain time.

How to reproduce:

1. open gnome-screenshot gui. Capture whole screen. save it.
2. open it again. This time capture a window. save it.
3. capture a area don't save it.
4. Repeat 1,2,3 few times.
5. After some time it will show the preview of previously taken screenshot
& save that image. It is impossible to take any new screenshot util I run
"compiz --replace".

....not sure what causing this issue but I could not reproduce it on non
compiz session. And If I remember correctly, it did not happen when I was
on couple of updates behind from Utopic beta.

There are other bugs in compiz ( I will file more when I have time) which
affects not only Unity but other compiz desktop-session as well

I tried to reset compiz with "dconf reset /org/compiz/ && setsid unity" AND
deleting everything from /home/$user directory....but nothing helped. So
far what I have seen, this release is probably the most unstable (in
compiz) & preventing users to perform even some basic tasks.

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