Default japanese font for Ubuntu 14.04 is wrong

Mitsuya Shibata mty.shibata at
Tue Nov 11 18:19:00 UTC 2014


2014-10-13 19:30 GMT+09:00  <jitsumi at>:
> Default japanese font for Ubuntu 14.04 is wrong. For exemple, the kanjis 究
> is supposed to be written with its 5th stroke being "square" as it is shown
> in . But by default in ubuntu, the
> 5th stroke is straight, a little like the 4th. I know there are different
> way to display characters, but the default font should follow some standard.

It seems that "straight" is a glyph of "Droid Fallback" or any Chinese font.

> It would be like using a fancy font for the default lating characters. The
> default font should follow the font MS Mincho that is the standard font in
> Japan, and there is a lot in free font that follow the standard. In ubuntu
> 12.04 we could install the package ttf-vlgothic to get a standard font, but
> this package was remove in the 14.04. Here is a short list of kanjis that
> are wrongly written by default in ubuntu 14.04 and there is certainly much
> more:

First, ttf-vlgothic is renamed to fonts-vlgothic as same as many
other font packages.

And in Japanese environment (i.e. if you install Japanese language pack),
fonts-takao package is installed as default Japanese font.

Which is used Chinese or Japanese glyphs, depends on your locale
and fontconfig settings.

If you would like to check normally used glyph of any character,
you can use gnome-character-map, search character and right click it.
Mitsuya Shibata
mty.shibata at

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