Our Networking Story

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at kitterman.com
Fri Mar 7 13:09:18 UTC 2014

On Friday, March 07, 2014 12:57:37 Robie Basak wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 06, 2014 at 01:32:17PM -0800, Benjamin Kerensa wrote:
> > Why was it  necessary to have discussions internally when they could
> > have been open by default?
> (wearing both my Canonical and Ubuntu hats)
> Are Canonical employees not allowed to speak to each other now? I think
> you're being unreasonable. As far as I can tell, Bryan spoke to his
> colleagues about specific problems, reached consensus with his
> colleagues that these are real problems that affect Ubuntu more
> generally, and has brought his problem set and thoughts up for public
> discussion on public mailing lists and at UDS. He's done this (as far as
> I can tell) before any implementation, or even any thought as to what
> any decision Ubuntu makes should be.
> Note that I (Canonical Server Team + Ubuntu Server Team) am as new to
> this as you are. I'm not aware of any prior internal discussion. The
> first I heard of this was when he asked, on a public IRC channel, to
> have the blueprint that he'd written approved, and I (remember, I'm
> Canonical staff) asked him to email the public list to make sure that
> his concerns reach as wide a public audience as possible.
> He's done exactly the right thing, and now you're berating him for this?

That's good to know.

On the subject of not berating though, that was not at all clear from the 
initial message.  It could well have been a synonym for "we've worked this out 
internally and now we're going to roll out to the community what we decided".  
It's not like that doesn't happen either.  

Scott K

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