Ignoring privacy sabotages Ubuntu's best chance for success

Gerry A. gaomb at openmailbox.org
Fri Feb 21 16:45:38 UTC 2014

Ubuntu desktop and phone are great designs but contain a fatal flaw: a 
failure to foster & utilize what would be one of its strongest assets 
for gaining market share--Privacy.

I read this article about the search engine DuckDuckGo that describes 
how focusing on privacy allowed the search engine to take on Google. 

Ubuntu's success will also hinge on acknowledging and fostering its 
privacy advantage. Unfortunately Ubuntu has been going in the opposite 
direction, actively diminishing user privacy.

Taking a strong privacy-focus like DuckDuckGo has will ultimately 
translate into increased market-share and money for Ubuntu. I think 
there's still time to turn it around. If Ubuntu-Phone is going to 
succeed to its fullest potential, Ubuntu needs to embrace privacy like 
DuckDuckGo has. DuckDuckGo is taking on Google. Ubuntu can take on 
Android, but only if it adopts a pro-privacy focus like DuckDuckGo has.

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