Feature Suggestion -- Grub should look for arch specific grub.cfg

Phillip Susi psusi at ubuntu.com
Thu Feb 6 14:32:40 UTC 2014

Hash: SHA1

You know you can specify the config file to use when you build the
grub net image right?

On 2/5/2014 3:13 PM, Mroczek, Joseph T wrote:
> Hello:
> Please let me know if this is not the correct place to make this 
> suggestion/request. First time mailing here.
> Description: Grub should look in architecture specific directory
> for grub.cfg. eg /boot/grub/x86_64-efi/grub.cfg Second best would
> be to look for architecture specific filename eg
> grub-x86_64-efi.cfg.
> Rational: When setting up a network boot server, it is may be 
> desirable to have different grub.cfg files for different 
> architectures. This allows setting different defaults and images. 
> This is already done for module loading, just not for the config 
> file. My preference would be to check for architecture specific
> file first (root)$prefix/$arch/grub.cfg then fall back to the
> current path of (root)$prefix/grub.cfg.
> Impact: Many architectures cannot share boot files. Eg. X86_64-efi 
> and i386-efi. To deal with this scenario, it seems to require much 
> conditional scripting in grub.cfg or jiggling $prefix and file 
> locations to trick different builds of grub to load from different 
> locations. This is not a big deal when booting from a hard drive 
> since the architecture is known. This becomes a big deal with
> network booting from a shared location. It seems to me that this
> would also be useful for USB/CD boot to support more architectures
> in a single media device.
> Thank you for any attention you can pay this matter.
> Regards,
> Joe M.

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