Confusing about building OpenStack Packages?

Colin Watson cjwatson at
Fri Sep 6 10:33:04 UTC 2013

On Wed, Sep 04, 2013 at 11:23:13PM +0800, Ray Sun wrote:
>    1. In step 5, we already can generate the deb packages without '-S', but
>    why we finally use 'sbuild' to generate it? Is this only for signature?
>    2. What's the difference between 'bzr builddeb' and 'sbuild'?

The answer to both of these is the same: sbuild builds the package in a
clean environment with only the necessary build-dependencies installed,
which is much safer.  It also makes it feasible to build packages for an
Ubuntu release that doesn't match the one you're running on your
development environment.

>    I found the build scripts which jenkins used is located here:
>    ~openstack-ubuntu-testing/openstack-ubuntu-testing, but when I try to run
>    any commands under bin, I always get:
>    root at demo:~/openstack-ubuntu-testing/bin# ./build-package
>    Traceback (most recent call last):
>      File "./build-package", line 14, in <module>
>        from import ComponentBuild
>      File "/home/sysadmin/openstack-ubuntu-testing/bin/openstack_ubuntu_testing/build/",
> line 11, in <module>
>        from schroot.executor import SchrootExecutor
>    ImportError: No module named schroot.executor

Good question.  I've been entirely unable to find this.  Adam, can you
clarify where this module comes from?

Colin Watson                                       [cjwatson at]

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