Planning to create a new distro of Ubuntu

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Tue Nov 5 09:15:20 UTC 2013


Am Dienstag, den 05.11.2013, 07:32 +0200 schrieb Nik Th:

> I'm don't watch the conversation from the beginning , but I assume (in your distro) you will keep the original repositories and official packages , correct ? 
> I'm not a developer, thus I cannot help you with coding, but if you decide to release this distro of yours, I would like to participate as a tester. 
> Drop a note in this list or my e-mail when you are ready. 
i am not the person wanting to build a new distro, but as ubuntu
developer i would be happy to give a hand with the few harder steps it
takes (creating seeds and metapackages, making regular image builds on
cdimage work etc) to create a proper derivative...

before this can happen the mate packages need to go into the ubuntu
archive proper though ... (or even into debian so we can just sync them
from there and they can benefit too) 

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