Extra Pane in Nautilus

Colin Law clanlaw at googlemail.com
Fri Mar 29 19:55:08 UTC 2013

On 29 March 2013 19:42, Greg Williams <mttbrnsmls at outlook.com> wrote:
> Has there been any discussion about improving the user-interaction with the
> "Extra Pane" feature in Nautilus?
> I'm using 12.04 and make use of the Extra Pane feature a lot. A problem with
> it though is that there is not clear communication/indication about which
> pane is active (ie. which pane the user's keyboard input is going to
> affect). I think some improvements need to be made to this element of the
> design of it. Is this on any of the developers' radar for improvement?

Unfortunately the Gnome developers have decided to completely remove
the Extra Pane feature from Nautilus, along with other useful stuff.
Enjoy it while you can in 12.04 as if/when you upgrade to 13.04 or
above you will lose it completely :(
Note that this is not something that the Ubuntu developers have any
control over, as far as I am aware.


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