Authentication services in Ubuntu

Ballock Tokarski boleslaw.tokarski at
Mon Jun 3 09:36:13 UTC 2013


Thanks for the comments, the feedback is very much appreciated.

Now I am wondering what are the next steps. Thanks to Timo's points and his
efforts, there is not much to do on the pure SSSD part:
- SSSD in main

For directory joining stuff - for MS-based server-side Kerberos tickets we
are currently using msktutil, which works decently in the MS environment.
This tool is neither in Main nor in Universe. Perhaps that's something we
can at least upload to Universe (which I believe would mean uploading to

We could also do some investigations on realmd from Fedora/RedHat which is
their tool for joining a Directory service. I believe it's not just for MS
AD. Realmd has not been packaged for .deb yet, I believe. And I am not sure
how RedHat-specific it is.

Then the remaining thing is the configuration helper. Perhaps we could fork
RedHat's system-auth-config?

Even if we decided that we do not need to care about "legacy" LDAP
authentication, I would propose to fix the Ubuntu packages in the same way
the Debian packages are done - by not requiring ldap-auth-config. I have
just checked the Ubuntu maintainer of the libpam-ldap and it seems to
be "Ubuntu
Core Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss at>" with an email to
this list. So, can we make it happen?


On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 6:46 PM, Robie Basak <robie.basak at>wrote:

> Bolesław,
> Thanks very much for writing this up. It's great to see somebody driving
> this. I'd love to see better support for corporate authentication to go
> into Ubuntu.
> I think you guys are the experts when it comes to technologies used, so
> I'll step back and watch that unfolds from other experts on this thread.
> If consensus is to recommend and focus on sssd, that certainly sounds
> fine to me.
> Robie
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