Many, many serious problems with Ubuntu
James Freer at
Thu Jul 25 11:16:10 UTC 2013
On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 4:20 AM, Dale Amon <amon at> wrote:
> I have held back from putting in this report for a very long time
> as my experience reading this list has led me to believe that no
> one will much care because Granny Would Never Do That and she
> certainly Would Never Know How to Do That.
> I have a Thinkpad W520. I have identical second screens, Acer's, at
> home and at work. The laptop moves back and forth with me and thus
> makes the transition back and forth twice a day. I use Mate for my
> work space. I can't stand Unity. Matter of taste and habits. I made
> my choice and it was to stay with what for me worked far better.
> I now await the expected lecture, which I am not interested in, and
> perhaps, just perhaps, some kind soul who actually gives a damn about
> folk who have been using Linux for decades and expect certain things
> out of it.
The only time I have had serious problems with Xubuntu or Vector Linux
(the other distro I use) is when the iso has been done at speed higher
than the recommended 4x or the upgrade. I always do a clean install
and check with md5sum.
I did find 12.04 with a few problems, and I don't feel an LTS is
necessarily better than the 6 month release. I can say that I have yet
to find a problem with 13.04 and 13.04 finds the 3.5" drive I
occasionally use as well as the usb floppy which 12.04 didn't.
Developers are under a lot of pressure for a release I imagine and
none of us humans are perfect and I don't think 12.04 was one of the
best. Maybe your machine does have some hardware that it has problems
with - my 2 year old dual core WILL NOT boot from a usb (but there are
quite a few motherboards like that I believe.
Before writing ubuntu off why not try another distro (not debian
derived because perhaps drivers did not get into the repos). Slackware
& slack derived distros I believe have slightly better hardware
recognition - you could use one of these to identify the hardware.
Then if that runs ok you could deduce problems and solve - switching
to 13.04 as well. I have found Xubuntu one of the best distros.
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