Many, many serious problems with Ubuntu

Colin Law clanlaw at
Thu Jul 25 07:23:11 UTC 2013

On 25 July 2013 04:20, Dale Amon <amon at> wrote:
> I have held back from putting in this report for a very long time
> as my experience reading this list has led me to believe that no
> one will much care because Granny Would Never Do That and she
> certainly Would Never Know How to Do That.
> I have a Thinkpad W520. I have identical second screens, Acer's, at
> home and at work. The laptop moves back and forth with me and thus
> makes the transition back and forth twice a day. I use Mate for my
> work space. I can't stand Unity. Matter of taste and habits. I made
> my choice and it was to stay with what for me worked far better.
> In order to use the VGA connector, I have the BIOS set to the Discrete
> Graphics Mode.
> When I boot, one of three things happens:
>         * A blue screen of death before even the grub screen appears
>         * A large blinking cursor at the top left of a black screen
>           just after the grub screen selection is made.
>         * A successful boot where the large blinking cursor turns into
>           a small blinking cursor after some interval and then
>           it goes to the encryption password screen and the boot
>           suceeeds from there.

That sounds like a hardware problem to me.


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