Discovering the package of an open window

Jonathan Lange jml at
Fri Jan 18 16:42:50 UTC 2013

On 18 January 2013 16:39, Michael Spencer <spencers1993 at> wrote:
> What is the best way to discover the package a program is in by clicking
> on an open window?
> So far I've been using xprop to get the PID of the window, reading where
> /proc/<PID>/exe points too, and then running apt-file search on that.
> However, for some programs, like LibreOffice Writer, I get
> libreoffice-core, not libreoffice-writer.
> For the program I'm writing, Contributor Console (written in python),
> the executable is /usr/bin/python2.7, even though I launched it with the
> command contributor-console.
> So, what is the best way to accurately discover the package a program is
> in by clicking on an open window?

I have a really crappy program that already does this at:

A quick look at the code should answer your question.


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