Aptitude installed by default on 13.10?
Neal McBurnett
neal at bcn.boulder.co.us
Tue Apr 9 20:54:19 UTC 2013
On Tue, Apr 09, 2013 at 01:25:22PM -0700, Clint Byrum wrote:
> Excerpts from Robert Holtzman's message of 2013-04-09 12:33:05 -0700:
> > .........snip........
> >
> > > On Ubuntu Desktop we want to discourage usage of command line =) as
> > > there is no need for that for non-developers.
> >
> > That's one of the more elitist, swinishly arrogant statements I've heard
> > lately. Are you actually discouraging new users from learning linux?
> > Why? The cli is one of the best teaching tools there is. Are you afraid
> > of confusing Grandma and Grandpa? Is this part of the process of dumbing
> > down the distro that's been going on lately? Did the devs come up with
> > that or was it an edict from Mavelous Mark?
> >
> > I hope to hell that was a joke.
> >
> For computer enthusiasts and power users, the CLI is great. But for the
> person who sees their computing device as a window to other activities,
> it is a huge distraction.
It's good to help people avoid things they see as distractions. But that is no cause to "discourage usage of command line", since for many people it is a huge time-saver and far less distracting than wading thru the learning curve on the GUI-du-jure.
So given that it seems we can agree that the original message was a bit off-target (thanks for the clarification, Brett!), can we also agree that this notion that Ubuntu wants to "discourage usage of command line" (sic) is also not only unsupported by any evidence, but not a good idea.
Instead, let's continue to free GUI-lovers from *needing* to use the command line, and let's make it easy for command-line users to retain all their superpowers without needless disruption. Specific bug reports related to those goals are welcomed.....
And lets all take a deep breath.
Thanks to all the volunteers and supporters that make Ubuntu possible!
Neal McBurnett http://neal.mcburnett.org/
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