Aptitude installed by default on 13.10?

Dale Amon amon at vnl.com
Tue Apr 9 19:14:40 UTC 2013

On Tue, Apr 09, 2013 at 08:49:41PM +0200, Oliver Grawert wrote:
> and why does that limit your future ? do you expect us to rip out
> firefox or xterm from the archive ?

No, I don't expect you to do anything. I am just sad about all
the functionality of X windows that has been left behind. Simple
things like being able to click on the screen, go to a menu
entry and select an entirely different window manager. Or to
get a 'kill' icon that you use to give the kiss of death to
a runaway GUI program. 

Some of the changes that led to gnome I like; some things in
X I simply do not understand why they are no long available.

Some day I might even have time to figure out how to move up
from Oneiric without losing the mission critical functionality
I have. More bluntly, I do not want my environment to change; I
want new stuff but I do not want my old stuff to break. Ever.

Not much chance of that though. I do not think there is *any*
distribution, open source or otherwise, that promises long
term stability. They all seem to be constantly chasing after
the latest pretty bauble.

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