Crashes from Unity/Xorg continues with 12.10

Thomas Novin thomas at
Wed Oct 31 11:28:48 UTC 2012

On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 4:18 PM, Evan Dandrea <ev at> wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 7:36 AM, Thomas Novin <thomas at> wrote:
> > Now I had my first crash in 12.10 and it generated a crash-file in
> > /var/crash:
> >
> > -rw-r-----  1 root     whoopsie 5718069 okt 22 16:14
> _usr_bin_Xorg.0.crash
> > However, after logging in, I didn't get any notification that my system
> had
> > crashed and question about submitting.
> Is update-notifier running (`ps aux | grep update-notifier | grep -v
> grep`)? This is the process responsible for watching for changes to
> the /var/crash directory.

Yes, it's running now at least. Not sure how it was then. I've had other
crashes since and I have gotten those simple yes/no prompts. So I'm not
sure why it didn't work the first time.

Got a crash just now, nothing in /var/crash but can see some problems in
/var/log/Xorg.0.old. It seems not every crash generates a file in
/var/crash.. so some are missed.

[ 32383.603] (EE)
[ 32383.604] (EE) Backtrace:
[ 32383.608] (EE) 0: /usr/bin/X (xorg_backtrace+0x49) [0xb772dc79]
[ 32383.608] (EE) 1: /usr/bin/X (0xb7586000+0x1abb66) [0xb7731b66]
[ 32383.608] (EE) 2: (vdso) (__kernel_rt_sigreturn+0x0) [0xb756340c]
[ 32383.608] (EE) 3: /lib/i386-linux-gnu/ (0xb71c1000+0x139490)
[ 32383.609] (EE) 4: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
(0xb6ef9000+0x1231c) [0xb6f0b31c]
[ 32383.609] (EE) 5: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
(0xb6ef9000+0x1431c) [0xb6f0d31c]
[ 32383.609] (EE) 6: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
(0xb6ef9000+0xf1745) [0xb6fea745]
[ 32383.609] (EE) 7: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
(0xb6ef9000+0xf74d3) [0xb6ff04d3]
[ 32383.609] (EE) 8: /usr/bin/X (0xb7586000+0x128161) [0xb76ae161]
[ 32383.609] (EE) 9: /usr/bin/X (CompositePicture+0x319) [0xb76a2579]
[ 32383.609] (EE) 10: /usr/bin/X (0xb7586000+0x120d3d) [0xb76a6d3d]
[ 32383.609] (EE) 11: /usr/bin/X (0xb7586000+0x11cc7e) [0xb76a2c7e]
[ 32383.609] (EE) 12: /usr/bin/X (0xb7586000+0x3cba5) [0xb75c2ba5]
[ 32383.609] (EE) 13: /usr/bin/X (0xb7586000+0x2a10a) [0xb75b010a]
[ 32383.609] (EE) 14: /lib/i386-linux-gnu/
(__libc_start_main+0xf3) [0xb71da4d3]
[ 32383.609] (EE) 15: /usr/bin/X (0xb7586000+0x2a4e9) [0xb75b04e9]
[ 32383.609] (EE)
[ 32383.609] (EE) Bus error at address 0xb058f000
[ 32383.609]
Fatal server error:
[ 32383.609] Caught signal 7 (Bus error). Server aborting
[ 32383.609]
[ 32383.610] (EE)
Please consult the The X.Org Foundation support
 for help.

My bug @ Launchpad is updated with this information.

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