chromium memory conumption on x86_64

Rodney Dawes rodney.dawes at
Mon Nov 26 15:36:28 UTC 2012

On Sun, 2012-11-25 at 17:39 +0100, Enrico Weigelt wrote:
> Hi folks,
> some time ago, when I've moved my notebook (4GB RAM),
> from 32bit gentoo to 64bit ubuntu, I've noticed a big
> increase in memory consumption.
> I haven't had a chance for deeper look at the code, but
> my suspicion is that a lot of objects (eg. vectors, etc)
> are doubled in size.

Objects most likely aren't just doubled in size because you
are running a 64-bit build.

More than likely you are just using different builds of many
different components, and not the same code as you were running
on your 32-bit gentoo install; or you're not making a properly
fair comparison (different number of tabs, different pages,
etc…); or you just aren't remembering correctly.

Bug reports with numbers from real and actual data are the
best way to get such things fixed.

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