Drop Gwibber from default install

Timo Jyrinki timo.jyrinki at gmail.com
Thu Mar 15 06:51:30 UTC 2012

2012/3/14 Rodney Dawes <rodney.dawes at canonical.com>:
> Can you please clarify what you mean by "laggy" here? And are
> there bugs open for what you mean by your use of the term?

The smooth scroll bug covers it mostly, but some specifics might use
separate bug reports. At least the following come to mind right away:

- You can see the photos/images being drawn, and they flicker from
time to time when the scrolling stops.
- Keeping arrow down pressed feels laggy, both because of the low
update rate, lack of smooth scrolling and visible lag of drawing the
- With mouse wheel scroll, the initial responsiveness feel snappier
than with keyboard, but the application may easily become unresponsive
for 2-10 seconds on my machine at least (Core 2 Duo 2.5GHz)
- When you send a message, the lag when pressing Send seems to be gone
in 3.3.91, although there is still no feedback of the actual sending
until it's fetched from the remote server (user needs to just trust
that it's being sent)

Some are performance issues, some are simply about additional code
needed for giving immediate visible feedback/animation/transition on
all actions user may do. But in principle the truly "smooth scrolling"
covers already fixing so many things, that after that the rest will be
comparatively minor UI enhancements to reduce the perceived lagginess.

I now filed bug #955747 [1] for the feedback wishlist item.


[1] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gwibber/+bug/955747

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