Problem with flash-kernel script on PandaBoard with Ubuntu image and Linaro kernel

David Cullen David.Cullen at
Wed Jul 11 16:32:51 UTC 2012

Hello, ubuntu-devel-discuss,

I have a PandaBoard system created from the image at


I added the Linaro kernel repository and installed the Linaro kernel
because I had problems with the Linaro Ubuntu image.

However, when I ran the "flash-kernel" script, I got the following
error message:

> Kernel /boot/vmlinuz-3.4.0-1-linaro-lt-omap does not match your subarchitecture
> omap4, therefore not writing it to flash.

I worked around the problem by making a minor change to the
"flash-kernel" script.

I compared the "flash-kernel" script in the Linaro-Ubuntu image to
the Ubuntu image and derived the following patch:

> --- flash-kernel.old    2012-07-09 14:29:28.752862488 -0400
> +++    2012-07-09 14:31:36.153494248 -0400
> @@ -883,13 +883,23 @@ case "$machine" in
>                                 check_subarch "omap"
>                         ;;
>                         "OMAP4430 Panda Board" | "OMAP4 Panda board")
> -                               check_subarch "omap4"
> +                               # Linaro uses the same omap kernel for OMAP 3 and 4
> +                               if [ `expr "$kfile" : '.*linaro.*-omap$'` -ne 0 ]; then
> +                                       check_subarch "omap"
> +                               else
> +                                       check_subarch "omap4"
> +                               fi
>                                 if [ -z "${UBOOT_PART}" ]; then
>                                         export UBOOT_PART=/dev/mmcblk0p1
>                                 fi
>                         ;;
>                         "OMAP4430 4430SDP board")
> -                               check_subarch "omap4"
> +                               # Linaro uses the same omap kernel for OMAP 3 and 4
> +                               if [ `expr "$kfile" : '.*linaro.*-omap$'` -ne 0 ]; then
> +                                       check_subarch "omap"
> +                               else
> +                                       check_subarch "omap4"
> +                               fi
>                                 if [ -z "${UBOOT_PART}" ]; then
>                                         export UBOOT_PART=/dev/mmcblk1p1
>                                 fi

My questions are

  1. Is it appropriate to suggest a patch to the Ubuntu
"flash-kernel" to support the use of Linaro kernels?
  2. If so, where should I submit the patch?

Thank you,
David Cullen

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