Gnome session fallback

komputes komputes at
Mon Feb 13 22:18:36 UTC 2012

On 02/13/2012 08:04 AM, Lanoxx wrote:
> When using the gnome fallback mode there is no more System menu as is
> used to be with Gnome 2. Some of the items that used to be in System->
> (Preferences | Administration) are now in the Gnome System Settings but
> the remaining ones are now in the application menu under a section
> called "Other". This is really undescriptive so I would suggest to
> rename it to "System" or "Administration" which is more descriptive
> than "Other"?
> Should I file a bug about that?

In 12.04 (Precise), Gnome Classic does not show "Other". Instead I see
the following menu:
Application > System Tools > Administration
Application > System Tools > Preferences

And then there is also System Settings. I would say that it is
accessible and I can't find a reason for an additional menu. I would say
it's not bug worthy.

What really bothers me more in gnome-fallback-session is users don't
know alt-right_clicking the gnome-panel get additional features like
adding an applet, panel properties, deleting items etc...

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