MySQL's future in Debian and Ubuntu

Timo Jyrinki timo.jyrinki at
Wed Feb 8 10:01:12 UTC 2012

2012/2/7 Clint Byrum <clint at>:
> So what should we, the Debian and Ubuntu MySQL maintainers and users,
> do about this?

This is really more for the heavy users to answer, but I haven't seen
any indication that MariaDB wouldn't be an LTS worthy replacement. It
has the majority of former MySQL core developers, corporate backing
and indeed an open development process. Essentially it could be
possible to say that it's more "the new MySQL" than LibreOffice is
"the new"? (given Apache/IBM backing for the old OOo,
but well at the same time ignoring that while Oracle has given up on
OOo, it's doing something with MySQL still).

Anyway, the pros sounds like outweighing cons, especially given the
problems in security support et cetera with MySQL.

But I hope you'll have a consensus within the Debian/Ubuntu
maintainers. For Ubuntu check up the possible memo notes from past
UDSes since this is not like it'd be a completely new topic.


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