Upstream patch notifications

Jeremy Bicha jbicha at
Wed Feb 1 01:12:28 UTC 2012

On 31 January 2012 19:54, Timo Sirainen <tss at> wrote:
> So, my question: Is there a possibility for me to get an email about each patch that goes to any of Dovecot related packages, immediately after it gets placed into some kind of testing repository? So that if I notice a potential problem, I could contact you and get it solved before the final release?
> I don't know about other upstream coders, but I'd prefer there to be more cooperation. Like, just an example idea: Have upstream-PACKAGE at mailing list where all notifications about diffs to upstream PACKAGE gets sent. Whoever is interested in them can subscribe there. And send an email about the existence of such list to all of the upstreams' mailing lists. Perhaps the Debian's big openssl mistake would have been noticed immediately if such list had existed for them.. I guess it would be even better to have common lists shared by all distros, but maybe that's too much to ask for.

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