Promote puppet to main?

Luis Mondesi lemsx1 at
Tue Dec 25 18:52:00 UTC 2012

> I used to use cfengine extensively, back around 2000-2001.
> It was useful then and I imagine it is worlds better 13 years later

believe it or not cfengine2 is extensively used even though it was pretty much abandoned upstream (no more updates in over 2 years). The reason most big companies still use it is for what you said although you probably meant it in an ironical way. It is worlds better an it gets the job done, but oh so many limitations. 

If somebody out there is starting something from scratch, use Chef/Puppet. If you are stuck with something old but useful, then try to start a new project with a modern system in parallel (use the old system to deploy the client of the new. etc...)

Cfengine dropped the ball with the migration to cfengine3. I hope the same doesn't happen to Chef. Puppet dropped the ball with the quasi-Ruby syntax at first and then changing to full ruby later like Chef did from the beginning. 
(for the record I still don't prefer puppet over chef or any other system. I'm still managing a large cfengine2 precisely because it works!)

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