Misc problems with quantal

Dale Amon amon at vnl.com
Tue Dec 18 00:37:19 UTC 2012

A couple broken items in quantal...

First off, I also have been bit by the dselect
problem discussed in 


I always use dselect unless I am only installing one or two 
packages. I just do not particularly like aptitude, etc.

Second, I am getting hit with a blinking screen even in
virtual terminals on a quantal amd64 server build. Terminal
is an ADI ProVista attached to a KVM.

Eventually the screen seems to go to sleep and I cannot
get it to ever come back.

I have modified /etc/default/grub to get

	# Uncomment to disable graphical terminal (grub-pc only)

which I assumed would shut off any graphical silliness,
but it seems to have had no affect.

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